Invitation to free education for private renters

 We invite you to attend a free education for private renters.
This year, we continue to hold the "Education for private renters" cycle, which was evaluated as very high quality and useful by the participants, mostly private renters.
Due to the large number of private renters and a very important business topic for private renters - Internet sales, the emphasis of this year's cycle is on that topic, which has been updated with new information and trends in this area.
That is why we invite you on 16.04. (Saturday) 2016, come to the PRINCE'S DVOR building (former PBZ bank), Trg Pape Ivana Pavla II 1, Trogir, at 9:00 a.m.
In order to secure your place on the course, please register at the following link:
Education is organized in cooperation with Wallner Private School. A detailed "Education Program" with topics, schedule of lectures, lecturers, timetable and details of the program are attached to this letter.
If you have problems with online registration, you can also register by calling the office;
TZO SEGET – 880 559
We thank you in advance!
Seget Municipality Tourist Board
Croatian Knight Square Š.Š.F.1
21218 Seget Donji
phone: 021/880-559
fax: 021/880-559
Organizers: TZ SDŽ, Wallner Private High School, local TZ

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